"Hi, I am the voice assistant for the Lotto game and 10eLotto evening, I can tell you the statistics...
"Hi, I am the voice assistant for the Lotto game and 10eLotto evening, I can tell you the statistics, check the ticket with the qr code and much more!"It is possible to send voice commands to receive information on lottery draws, statistics and much more.Examples of voice commands for Lotto and 10 and evening lottery draws (combined with the lotto) are:LAST EXTRACTIONView the latest Lotto, Simbolotto and 10eLotto matched draw and, thanks to the speech synthesis engine, you can listen to the numbers drawn.LAST EXTRACTION ROME NAPLES MILAN ...It is possible to indicate a list of wheels combined with the "last extraction" command.Only the wheels on the list are displayed and at the same time, thanks to the speech synthesis engine, it is possible to listen to the numbers extracted.Example: "Last drawing roma milan"LAST 3 EXTRACTIONS (you can customize the command by changing the number)View the list of the last draws.EXTRACTION OF TODAYOn extraction days (after extraction), view the last draw of the lotto game, the symbol and the evening 10th lottery.EXTRACTION OF YESTERDAYIn the days following the extraction you can use this command to view the last extraction. The lottery draw is also complete with the symbols and numbers drawn for the 10th lot combined with the lot.EXTRACTION OF SATURDAY, or EXTRACTION OF THURSDAY, or EXTRACTION OF TUESDAYView the draw for the day of the week (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday). The command also supports the commands of Monday, Wednesday and Friday if the extraction took place on such days typical near the holidays.EXTRACTION OF AUGUST 31, 2019The command must be pronounced exactly as described and allows access to the entire historical archive starting from 7 January 1939!But isnt it great to be able to listen to all the draws ever?What are you waiting for try it now :-)A set of statistics commands are also availableExamples of statistics commands:FREQUENT NUMBERSView the list of frequent lotto game numbers broken down by wheel.FREQUENT NUMBERS ROME NAPLES MILAN ...View the list of frequent lotto game numbers for the indicated wheelsDELAYING NUMBERSDisplays the list of late numbers divided by wheel including the national wheel.DELAYED NUMBERS ROME NAPLES MILAN ...FREQUENT AMBIENTSFREQUENT AMBIUS ROME NAPLES MILAN ...TERNI FREQUENTTERNI FREQUENT ROME NAPLES MILAN ...QUATERNE FREQUENTLYQUATERNE FREQUENTLY ROME NAPLES MILAN ...FREQUENT CINQUINSANALYTIC TABELONETo generate lucky numbersGENERATES NUMBERSGENERATES 5 NUMBERSFor verification with the qr code:VERIFICATIONTo vote on google playVOTE ON GOOGLE PLAYWARNING: The APP is NOT ALLOW INFORMATION AND GAMING OPERATIONS!The GOOGLE PLAY STORE POLICY does not allow you to enter gaming apps in the store.THE GAME IS FORBIDDEN TO MINORS AND CAN CAUSE PATHOLOGICAL DEPENDENCE.DisclaimerThe information contained in this app is provided without any guarantee of completeness, correctness, or of any other kind, implicit or explicit, and therefore users are invited to check the same on the reference site.Users of this app agree to access its contents at their own risk.The holder of the app is not liable for any damage suffered in relation to this app.The owner of the app has verified the information provided by these third-party sites in the best possible way from his knowledge and with professional diligence.Links are available for your convenience and do not imply endorsement by the site owner and their content.The owner of the app will not be liable for the availability and content of such third party site or for any damage or injury resulting from the use of the same.